oriente station

How to go from Lisbon to Porto by train

Traveling through Europe can be very exciting and very unique! It’s impressive how easily the countries connect; the train system is one of the most significant advantages of traveling around the continent. You can go from practically any city/country to another in just a few hours.

We’ve been living in Portugal for two years now, and I recently took the train for the first time from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, to the beautiful city of Porto. I’ll share here some important info about it.

Flight tickets might be cheaper leaving Porto than Lisbon

Taking the train from Lisbon to Porto can help you save some money. That’s because flight tickets are usually cheaper leaving Porto than in Lisbon.
Ticket prices were why we recently took the train from Lisbon to Porto.

We wanted to travel to Puglia in Italy during Summer. Unfortunately, tickets can be costly in the high season. However, we did our research, and tickets were more than 50% cheaper if we took the flight to Porto instead of Lisbon (the closest airport to where we live).

So we calculated how much it would cost us to take an Uber from our house to the train station in Lisbon + train tickets to Porto + Uber from the train station in Porto to the airport, and voilá. So it was still worth it for us to go to Porto to fly out to Puglia, Italy.

Of course, you should consider the time you will spend taking the train instead of just flying out to your final destination. But the ride wasn’t that long, and it was still worth it for the four of us traveling then.

Train is called Comboio in Portugal

Comboio means to train in Portuguese, so if you need to ask any Portuguese speaker for any information about it, you can use this word to show you know your Portuguese.

High-speed train from Lisbon to Porto

Alfa Pendular is the company name of the high-speed train that will take you from Lisbon to Porto.

How much does it cost to go from Lisbon to Porto by train?

You can get tickets as cheap as 10€ if you get them in advance.
You can check the accurate prices by clicking here.

Where to get the train to go from Lisbon to Porto?

The train from Lisbon to Porto will leave the “Oriente Station” on Av. Dom João II, in Lisbon. Click here for the google maps coordinates.
Then, take the escalators up and go to Platform 5. The train to Porto will leave it from there.

How long does it take to go from Lisbon to Porto by train?

It will take around 3 hours on the fastest train from Lisbon to Porto.

Which stop should I go off?

If you’re planning on going to the airport as we did, you should go to the “Campanha” station.

Watch on Youtube

Click here to watch our video going from Lisbon to Porto on Youtube.

Is anyone coming to Portugal soon? Are you planning on taking the Alfa Pendular train? Please share with us!


We are Luana & Fred, married couple, full time content creators and digital marketing specialists.

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