
5 easy habits to make you healthier – One of the things we human beings look for in life is ways to keep ourselves healthy.
Over the years, the older we get, this demand increases.

In today’s post, I will share with you 5 easy ways to become a healthier person physically and mentally.

5 easy habits to make you healthier

1- Sleep 8 hours

I’m sure the first item on my list didn’t surprise you. It’s not just today that we read studies that indicate that a good night’s sleep affects our health physically and psychologically.

Well-sleep nights bring countless benefits, and it’s one of the things I don’t give up.
Even when we are working on our travels and need to wake up for the sunrise, we make a point of going to bed early. That way, we know that we will be able to have a productive day ahead and that our work will be performed in the best way. After all, a good part of our work consists of using our creativity, so there is nothing better than a fresh head, don’t you think?

2- Drink water

As I mentioned in the last post – 5 morning rituals that will change your day – drinking water is vital for your health.

If I could give you one piece of advice in life, it would be: drink water.

Sounds cliché, right? But the importance of drinking water is something many people still cannot measure.

Just writing this post, I can think of at least 10 benefits that drinking the right amount of water daily can bring.

As we are talking about the morning routine here, I suggest drinking water on an empty stomach.
Then, before coffee, make it a habit to drink water. I, for example, sleep with a bottle on my side of the headboard, and the very first thing I do when I get up is drink water.

The idea is that you should drink at least a bottle, but if you are not used to it, go with the baby steps. It may be a small sip but start having this habit. Your health will thank you.

3- Turn off electronic devices at least an hour before bed.

In the century we live in, we are used to using electronic devices all the time. However, we must turn off these devices at least an hour before bed.

This is since checking the cell phone stimulates our brain. So when we need our brain to shut down, the last thing required is to load it with information and news.

Other reasons can disrupt your sleep, such as the light from the cell phone screen inhibiting melatonin, and the lack of this hormone can cause insomnia.

In addition, you may see something sad on your cell phone and mull it over during the night or even something happy that makes you very agitated before bed. Both are harmful to our sleep.

Ideally, at least an hour before bed, you put your cell phone aside and go talk to the people who live in your house or read a book. Anything that soothes you and prepares you for a great night’s sleep.

4- Exercise

It is proven that practicing physical exercise is one of the essential things for human health.

I couldn’t help but mention it here.
Waking up in the morning and physically exercising makes your day flow much lighter.

First, it gives a feeling of accomplishment. And it doesn’t stop. In the morning, you have already achieved one of your daily goals; that way, you are ready for everything else that lies ahead.

If you’re not used to physical exercise, don’t despair! Nobody was born exercising. We all had to make this practice a habit. Some people found it easier to do this because they discovered that they like to practice, and others started doing it for its benefits.

No matter which of the two you fall into, physical exercise benefits all of us and consistently becomes a habit. And what a wonderful tradition!

The benefits are numerous; again, you don’t need to introduce this routine abruptly. By the way, I suggest you don’t do that because the shot often backfires.

My suggestion is that it starts with 10-15 minutes and when you feel that this is easy, increase it to 5 in 5 minutes.

You will be amazed at your evolution in a month.

And the last one on our 5 Easy Habits To Make You Healthier

5- Have a healthy balanced diet

Eating healthy is one of the most essential items on our 5 Habits to Make You Healthier.

In proportion to its importance, perhaps for some people, the difficulty in maintaining this diet.

These days, when we are always in a hurry, foods that are extremely bad for our health are all around us. They are easily accessible and much more pocket-friendly than healthy foods.

Planning what you eat is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy diet.

When we’re hungry, and we don’t know what we’re going to eat, our brain starts fantasizing about delicious foods. We get so excited to eat them that we end up thirsty with temptation.

If you plan what you’re going to eat, and especially take this food to work or have it prepared at home, you won’t have to think about what to eat when you feel hungry. That way, we trick our brains and manage to stick to the diet.

Meals are the central part of a diet and the best way to stay healthy. But we know that from time to time, we are more predisposed to eat and feel more hungry. For these cases, it is good to think of healthy snacks that you can eat quickly.

Remember that we are what we eat!


We are Luana & Fred, married couple, full time content creators and digital marketing specialists.

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