5 morning ritual that will change your life forever

5 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life Forever

Starting the morning off on the right foot can ultimately dictate how your day goes. And the best part is that you’re in control of what you can do to get a fantastic day ahead.

In this post, I will share with you 5 morning rituals that have changed my life over the last eight years.

These are straightforward habits that can be practiced by anyone, anywhere. So let’s dive into it.

5 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life Forever

Having healthy habits in the morning is very important not only for your general health but especially for your mental one.

For some people, practicing a new habit can be somewhat discouraged. For them, I encourage the use of ‘baby steps’ to get started. Remember that habits are not formed overnight. Therefore, there must be consistency in their practice.

The practice of baby steps, as the name suggests, introduces new habits gradually. So, for example, if you’d like to start exercising every day for an hour and it’s your first time exercising, instead of starting with an hour-long run, try to start with a 15-minute walk. This way, we lessen the pressure of doing something new and help you gradually make a new habit.

A study states that for a new habit to be created, it takes 21 days of consistent execution.

Perhaps, the correct number of days differs a little from person to person. But, we know that anyone can make something become a habit and lose that feeling of obligation.

Therefore, I suggest giving these 5 habits proposed below for at least 21 days. I’m sure they will change your life for the better!

5 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life Forever

1- Wake up without an alarm

Have you ever stopped to analyze the meaning of the word alarm?
The dictionary says that “alarm is an anxious awareness of danger.”

Now, stop for a minute and imagine waking up every day in this state. Sounds terrible for your health, doesn’t it?

The best way to wake up is naturally. Many successful people, like Oprah, advocate this habit and do not use an alarm to wake them up. I, myself,  can’t remember the last time I used an alarm to wake me up.

And, of course, it’s also the same with Fred. When we first met, he thought this couldn’t happen as he had been using an alarm all his life. But since we got together, he introduced this new habit into his life.

But then you ask me, how do you wake up without an alarm?

Well, in our case, we usually use natural light to wake up. We leave our curtain a little open so that the light can enter in the morning.
So when we see that it is dawn, our biological clock already knows it is time to start waking up.

We know that many people don’t like the light and avoid leaving the curtains open.
In that case, you need to think about when you want to wake up.

YEA! It works. Think about the time you want to wake up. See the numbers in your mind, as if you were seeing them on your cell phone/alarm, and you will be able to wake up at the right time.

Remember that, as mentioned above, new habits can take a while to materialize. Be careful not to use the alarm as a backup to train this habit, as your mind knows it has a second option which is already a habit. Thus, your brain still trusts more in using the alarm than not using it.

Remember that our mind is very powerful, and it controls everything!

2- Drink water

If I could give you one piece of advice in life, it would be: drink water.

Sounds cliché, right? But the importance of drinking water is something many people still cannot measure. While writing this post, I can think of at least 10 benefits that drinking the right amount of water daily can bring.

As we are talking about the morning routine here, I suggest drinking water on an empty stomach.
I, for example, sleep with a bottle on my side of the headboard, and the very first thing I do when I get up is drink water.

The idea is that you should drink at least a bottle on an empty stomach, but if you are not used to it, go with the baby steps. It may be a small sip but start having this habit. Your health will thank you.

3- Gratitude

Be grateful. Wake up and be thankful for waking up. Get up, and thank you for being able to get up. Thanks for all the “little” things you do when you get up.

We are made of energy, and positive energy will attract even more positive energy. If you are still not used to practicing gratitude, I suggest using a journal. Write down at least 5 things you are grateful for every day.

I’m sure it will change your mood and perception of life and bring you beautiful things.

4- Exercise

It is proven that practicing physical exercise is one of the essential things for human health.

I couldn’t help but mention it here. Waking up in the morning and physically exercising makes your day flow much lighter.

First, it gives a feeling of accomplishment and achievement. If you’re not used to physical exercise, don’t despair! Nobody was born exercising. We all had to make this practice a habit. Some people found it easier because they discovered that they liked exercising, and others started doing it for its benefits.

No matter which of the two you fall into, physical exercise benefits all of us and can become a habit. My suggestion is that you start with 10-15 minutes of workouts and when you feel that this is easy, increase 5 minutes.

You will be amazed at your evolution in a month.

5- Five minutes of reading

This was one of the most important practices I’ve inserted into my routine recently.
I was one of those people who woke up and already had to look at my cell phone and social media.

Mainly working as a digital influencer, I felt this was necessary, and I can’t count how many times I’ve ruined my day with it.

How often have I seen something in the morning that shook my emotions and made my day different from what I expected?

That’s why nowadays, I start by reading something motivating/inspiring. Every morning I read “The Secret.” Suppose you’re not already familiar with this book. The Secret talks about the “law of attraction” and teaches us how to use it to our advantage.

I won’t go into details about the book here since it’s not the purpose of this post. But, still, in short, the law of attraction is a law like all others. It’s similar to the law of gravity, for example. It works all the time and everywhere, whether we believe in it or not. Knowing how to use the law of attraction to your advantage is something that can change your life. So I highly recommend reading this book.

Now back to the main subject; I recommend 5 minutes of reading to start your day before getting on your phone. We already spend too much time on our cell phones, and postponing that time a little in the morning can work wonders.

morning exercise

6- Bonus: Meditation

The practice of meditation is something I still want to incorporate into my morning routine but haven’t yet, so I’m mentioning it as a bonus.

Thousands of articles talk about the importance of meditation to our mental health. It is one of my goals until the end of the year.

Please tell us what you think of these rituals.
Do you have any that weren’t mentioned above?

I hope you enjoyed the post and until next time. 🙂

We are Luana & Fred, married couple, full time content creators and digital marketing specialists.

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